Monday 7 November 2011

Ferdinand Letter Lets Us All Down

Reports that Anton Ferdinand has received a letter which contained serious threats; even death threats according to some, does John Terry, Chelsea FC and all of us fans a huge disservice.

Regardless of how we feel about Ferdinand’s allegations against JT, making senseless threats helps no one and, given the illogical national hatred of all that is Terry only adds fuel to the fire of the ignorants who believe that because it is JT it is okay to judge him guilty without an investigation; to ignore the legal standard of innocent until proven guilty we would all want applying if it were us accused.

Now they can point their fingers at ‘us’ – the club, the fans and all associated – and say, “told you what they’re like.”

Ferdinand may not be the brightest; anyone who needs two days to figure out whether they have been abused or not can’t be running too many brain cells. He may be shown to have made false allegations, the police investigation will tell us. But death threats? Seriously? Whoever sent that letter makes Ferdinand look like a rocket scientist!

And those of us hoping the police investigation will clear JT of any wrong doing; consider this – by sending the letter the writer has given the police something else to investigate. Now that is hardly likely to speed up the investigation which we all believe will clear our captain is it?

One moron lets us all down with this letter and I have a message for him/her which I’ll keep in simple short words I am sure he/she will understand:

Fuck off you wanker, you’re not helping JT or anyone else.


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