Stories have appeared in the press and online today in which
Salomon Kalou has said he would like a new contract at Chelsea but stipulates
that he wants more first team time if he signs.
Now I know Kalou has his admirers (I’m not one) but is he serious!
Exactly where in the pecking order of striking options does he think he sits?
When we first signed him I remember thinking that he looked good;
a good prospect that is. I thought the same the next season and the season
after that. But when does a good prospect become someone who is not delivering
on their talent?
It might just be an impression I have (I haven’t checked I
confess) but he seems to score as many goals of his ankle, shin, knee and arse
as he does using his feet. Yes, he does get goals but there always seems an
element of surprise when he does. And he has missed some howlers too.
He seems a nice chap and all that. He’s not a bad player either
but is he Chelsea material?
I think not. If I were AVB, unless he is happy to play the role of
squad player, I’d let him go.
Is it a view shared by me? Consider a conversation I had with an
Aston Villa supporting friend (I know) during the last transfer window. He was moaning at the names they were letting
go without replacement and, in particular, was worried about a lack of striking
“You can have Salomon Kalou,” I helpfully suggested. “God no. F***
off,” was his reply.
Nuff said?
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